Friday, January 1, 2010

Let's hope it's a good one . . .

Happy Happy New Year! I have lived through many celebrations, some better than others, but none more exciting than last night!

We got all dressed up and headed into town around 9:30 pm. Nothing was open, because the party doesn't start until later. So we talked to fellow Mercy Shippers, took pictures (which I will post later), and sat at a cafe. Eventually we followed music to a HUGE outdoor concert. There were party bags being given out. They had a party hat (the pointy kind), a mask, noise makers, streamers, balloons, and a lea. We put on our stuff and joined the dancing throng.

Soon enough it was the countdown. The tradition is to eat a grape a second for the last 12 seconds of the year. Unfortunately, we forgot grapes, and I was a little jealous of the people participating in this interesting tradition. We all yelled and blew our noisemakers and hugged 2010 in. Then we got to watch the most amazing fireworks show I have ever seen. (Emily, you would have LOVED it!) After that, the party really got started.

We danced in a group towards the stage area. At one point, I put my purse on the ground in the middle of our group because it was annoying. Shortly thereafter, Chelsea stuck her hoodie on my purse. As more Mercy Shippers arrived and joined our group, more stuff was added to the pile until it was a huge traffic hazard that we were all dancing around. I did some Benin dancing (it's NEVER a bad time to Benin dance), I "caught" Chelsea (like I was fishing), she and I threw dice, Ram did crazy yet totally awesome dancing, people started dances that everyone else started doing, including some of the band members, Bowie danced like an Irish fellow (he's from Norway), I salsa danced (sans partner), and everyone had a wonderful time.

Around 2 am we decided to head back. It is about a 15 minute walk from where we were to the dock, at which point I realized that they were checking badges to get on to the dock and I had been carrying the badge of one of my roommates who was still dancing. After a moment of indecision, I headed back to search for her with my friend Chris.

Chris and I returned and searched for about 45 minutes before we talked to someone who said that she left. We headed back to the dock, and talked to the guard who said he had let her pass. I was greatly relieved. She was sitting with some people a ways down the dock and waiting for me. We got back and went to bed.

It was so much fun and such a nice way to celebrate the new year! Happy 2010 everyone!


  1. sounds incredible! :) so great to hear about some of your adventures over the phone... can't wait to see you in a few months. and i'm waiting to see those new year's pics...and the canary islands. love, beth

  2. that sounds so amazing! i love to you had so much fun this New Year's Eve...
