Sunday morning I got to get up in front of my church and tell them about my trip. Then those who have known me for years got up and prayed for me. It was incredible and very touching! That night, I met friends from CSU and my college church Summitview for a birthday/ bon voyage party. I have been so humbled by the love and support that people have shown me. Thank you to you all, and in particular, Courtney for arranging it!
The party people:

Saturday was my last day at Starbucks. While I'm very excited about Africa, I was also sad to leave my job of over a year. I have been so blessed to work with some awesome people. While I will not miss rude customers, I will miss recounting the story of their rudeness to my fellow partners afterword. I will not miss drive-thru stalkers, but I will miss the regular customers who brighten our day every time they come in. I will not miss scrambling during crazy rushes, but I will miss the camaraderie that develops when we rock that rush out!
So now I get to pack, pack, pack! Also, I'm trying to find time to hang out with as many people that I can. It's hard to say no to people that I would otherwise really love to hang out with.
Monday morning I fly out. I will be in Benin by 7:05 pm local time on September 1.
I am excited for you and will miss you LIKE CRAZY! I am very happy that I get to see you Saturday though! It's your b-day tomorrow!!!!