
Kendall and Michelle
My walking companion, my soundboard, and my friend! Thanks for all the wonderful talks, for listening to me, and for keeping me fit! I truly enjoyed getting to know you, and I think you will be a marvelous teacher. I miss you!
Bonny Jean

Walking in after saying goodbye to you was a sad, quiet affair! You are always such a light and your joy is contagious. I will miss singing show tunes with you, dancing with you, being silly with you, and naturally, having very deep conversations with you! Knock knock! Who's there? A sad Kaylee because her friend Bonny Jean left!

When I first saw that a Kiwi was going to live in our room, I was so excited to get to hear a lovely accent. But you are so much more than wonderfully pronounced words! You are fun and willing to jump in to whatever adventure comes your way! I'm so glad you came, and I'm so looking forward to visiting you in beautiful Wellington one day!
Good blog. I am waiting and excited to see a Spain blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you, sis!