This is my favorite sea lion. It clapped a lot and seemed a little sneaky.
While we are in port, the engineering department has given the crew the opportunity to volunteer to help them. This is because other departments, like the hospital, are not doing much, while the engineering and deck department has more work than staff. We Sales staffers were signed up, but I had to miss one of my days, so Kendall gave me one of her days, which was yesterday (thanks Kendall! I love you!)
Me and Laura, who is typically a nurse. We are looking all hot.
In the morning, I got to help clean the tops of tanks. They were all crusted over with oil and rust, so I scraped them with my friend Johan. It was not too hard, but we did get dirty.
Our righteous acts. Isaiah 64:6
In the afternoon, I had the opportunity to help clean a fuel tank. It was really messy, but a very cool experience.
The entrance
The inside. Notice all the fumes.
The ladder in
The ventilation fan
Me working. Do you see the smear on my forehead? The guy bending over is Abraham.
The sea lion sounds like you! Clapping and a little sneaky! :) How cool to get to go there, and to help out in the belly of the beast! Were those little masks all that you wore in the fuel fume filled fuel tank??! (That last part was hard and confusing to type! :)) LOVE YOU, SIS!