So anyway, as I miss my friends, and to continue with the tradition of tributes that I've started, I thought I'd tribute my friends who I've left behind:
My 4418 girls:
bottom row: Marianne, me, Rachael, Annie Lou
top row: Lyndsay, Bethany, Caitlin, Amy, Emma, Joy
Oh my beloved roommates, I could take up pages and pages of space for each of you, telling how wonderful you are, how much fun, how God has used you in my life. I can't believe how blessed I was that God would give me such incredible roommates. I've loved our dance parties, piles of people on each other's bunks, countless crazy moments, and the fact that you've loved me in spite of my being a crotchety old lady who needs her rest. I miss you all, individually, but as a whole too. Don't forget me, my friends! I love you girls!
Kim Anna
I'm so glad you decided to talk to me as we set sail from Benin. I thought you were so cool because you had sailed so many times and things like that, and I still think you are so cool, but for so many more reasons! I'm really excited to see where God is going to bring you in the next few years of your life. You are great, and I'm so glad we are friends! Love you girl!
Oh man, how do I tribute you? I can't imagine a better coworker. You were so nice to have around! You listened when I complained, you sang with me, you talked. Thank you for making work so nice. But more than that, thanks for being my friend! You have wisdom beyond your years, and I have truly valued and loved our time together. Most of my memories of the ship have you in them, and pretty much all of my favorite ones do! I love you, my friend!

My friend, I enjoyed so much of our time together. We had some deep discussions, some not so deep discussions, and some amazing times. I loved working with you! You have a great family, and you are great yourself. I miss you, my love! SIGN IT!

Best beloved, you are one of the most interesting people I've ever met. I've truely enjoyed your pancakes, your slightly manly innuedno voice, your reading times, your artwork, and YOU! Thanks for being my friend, and teaching me how to wear those smurf hats. I would have looked the fool otherwise! I love and miss you!
Everyone else
Danae and me on New Years
Friends on the Ghana trip: Ryan, Christina, Jamie, Kelly, Gry, and Becca
Six months is a long time, and I've made so many wonderful friends: Danae, Becca, Leah, Ernest, Gregory, Gray, many of the families, and more. Thanks for all having role in making this experience one of the best of my life. I'm so sorry if I've missed you, but that doesn't mean that I don't love you! God bless you all!
AWWWWW :) Sweet blog, sis!