Saturday, February 20, 2010

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye!

Okay, so I am in the final stretch. It's sad, unreal, exciting, and strange. But this will be my last farewell to my friends who have left before me blog! Because you see . . . I am the next one to leave. Sigh.


Okay, so you left a long time ago, but I was in such denial about it that I refused to add you on here. So this is your time. I miss your face. I miss your sense of humor. I miss the comments that I can't believe came out of your mouth. You are great!


You are the roommate I had the longest. And I'm so happy that we shared all this time together. You are amazing, funny, fun, caring, and a party waiting to happen. I wish Virginia and Colorado were neighbors, because then we could be too. I love you, and although you left about three hours ago, I miss you already. Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

  1. You are sweet. I hope that someone writes a good farewell post for you! Love you, sis!
