Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Everywhere I'm looking now

There is something weird on the ship. We're painfully aware of the fact that we are in Africa living in a really poor area. Yet we forget. People are just as much slaves to their vices. Diet Coke espically. We ran out of that last month. I saw some serious dejection in the faces of many people. Some of the food in the store is expired. It's crackers and stuff, so it's not like it is spoiled. It is just stale. But then some people get all concerned about it. I want to say, "Guys! We're in Africa! Seriously. Who cares if the Ritz bitz are a little stale? Would you rather get some mystery cracker in town?" We're a little spoiled here.

Things we need in the States:

-Ritter Sport bars

-Youki soda, particularly Pamplemousse and fruite de cocktail

-Fanmilk, as well as more liquids in bags

-Stroopwafels (The Dutch can really do sweets. Seriously.)

-Dancing in church

Random fact:
Most gas stations are roadside stands that have gasoline in glass bottles. This is because the vast majority of vehicles are motorcycles. They just stick a funnel in the gas take and pour it on in.

Also, I have never seen so many well dressed, classy women riding motorcycles in my life. It's awesome.

Please pray for Togo. That is were we're having the next outreach, and their elections are happening two weeks after we get there. They typically end up bloody. Foreigners aren't typically involved, but it's a concern.
This picture is of me feeling concerned that they have a whole menu section for poisen:
On a completely unrelated note, I've decided to learn French. Fortunately I can do that on the ship!

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