Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cheep cheep cheep cheep flap flap flap flap wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle clap clap clap clap

If you are wondering what I do in sales besides, of course, making delicious coffee beverages for the people, the answer, of course, is cleaning poop off eggs! Naturally. There is much stair climbing (woo hoo, exercise!) and stocking, some computer stuff, some going into restricted areas to unlock locked doors (intrigue) and of course, the poop thing. People don't want to buy dirty eggs, and farm fresh is how we get them. Apparently eggs last longer uncleaned, but you know we Americans and Europeans would just avoid them like the plague if they were dirty.

It's an experience!

*For the first time, my blog name is not a line from the song "Africa." It's the moves from the chicken dance. I think you know why.


  1. That sounds like a fun job. Chicken poop...yummy. You are right, of course, most American's wouldn't dream of buying eggs with poop attached. I wouldn't. :) Love you!
