Friday, September 11, 2009

If today was your last day . . .

This morning I was settling down to read My Utmost for His Highest when I realized the date. It is a little weird because to over half the people on this ship, the date means very little.

I thought it might be interesting to read about a day in my life. I thought this partly because of my incredibly conceited nature, and partly because if you're reading this blog, you probably care at least a little about me and what I'm doing (and I care for you too!!!). :)

Each day is different, so I will give you a general outline. Breakfast stops serving at 7:30, so I usually get up and eat around 7. Having seven other roommates (soon to be eight), affords me the opportunity to eat with at least someone. Most days, I return to my room to shower before I go to whatever meeting is that morning. Monday and Wednesday it is departmental devotions. Tuesday it is ship wide devotions. Friday there is a meeting to talk about programs that the ship is doing. Thursday there is nothing, which is awesome.

I report for work at 8:30. I have to say it's really nice that I live about thirty seconds from where I work. We spend the next hour getting ready to open. If I am on coffee, I will get out milk, restock milk and soy if it's needed, sweep around and straighten the chairs, wipe down the counters outside the cafe, and do anything else necessary. If I'm in the snack bar, I will restock beverages, restock candy and chips, charge the people who came through the night before, and open shop. Both the snack bar and the cafe open at 9:30 and close at 11. After they close, if I'm in the snack bar I count money, restock, and go to lunch. If I am making coffee I do dishes, clean, restock, and go to lunch. If I'm in the ship shop, I will write down what products we need, take a "trolley" (cart) in the freaky, unreliable elevator down two floors, wheel it through the hospital, and park it. Then I will go down another floor, get all that we need from the storage rooms, carry it all upstairs, load the trolley, wheel it back to the elevator, take it back up and restock the store. Once that is done, I will clean or label things or fold shirts until lunch. The shop is open every day from 12:30-2. After that, I count money, get it all situated, help the people in the shop or the cafe, and go.

The snack bar and cafe are open in the afternoons as well from 2:30-4. We usually get back to work around 1 to do anything extra that needs doing. There is plenty of extra, and it's usually hot and involves lots of stairs. That is why I don't jog in the mornings. I basically have the StairMaster as a job.

At night, there are many options of activities. I will do a quiet time, blog, go play football or Ultimate Frisbee, walk on the dock, watch movies, or whatever comes up. There is usually something interesting going on.

Well, hopefully my blog was something interesting going on for you all.

*A special thanks to the band Nickleback and their song "If Today Was Your Last Day" for the title of the blog.

1 comment:

  1. That is cool! I like reading and getting a sense of what you are doing every day! I love you sis!
